How to find a great barber

How to Find a Great Barber: The Ultimate Guide for African American Men

For African American men, finding a great barber is more than just a grooming routine—it's a cornerstone of our personal style and confidence. A skilled barber understands our unique hair textures, styles, and preferences, ensuring every visit to the barbershop is an experience worth cherishing. If you're on the quest for the perfect barber, look no further. Here's the ultimate guide to finding and maintaining a great barber-client relationship.

1. Research African American Barber Shops Near Me:

Start your search by researching African American barber shops near you. Look for establishments that specialize in cutting and styling textured hair, as they will likely have barbers with the expertise and experience needed to cater to your specific needs. You can use online directories, social media platforms, or ask for recommendations from friends and family members with great haircuts.

2. Check Reviews and Portfolios:

Once you've identified potential barber shops, take the time to read reviews and browse through their portfolios. Look for positive feedback from customers who share similar hair types and styles as yours. Additionally, examine the barbers' portfolios to assess their skill level and proficiency in executing various haircuts and styles. This will give you a better idea of what to expect before booking your first appointment.

3. Schedule a Consultation:

Before committing to a barber, consider scheduling a consultation to discuss your hair goals and preferences. A reputable barber will take the time to listen to your needs, assess your hair texture and condition, and provide personalized recommendations for the best haircut or style to suit your face shape and lifestyle. Use this opportunity to ask questions, express any concerns, and gauge the barber's professionalism and communication skills.

4. Observe Hygiene and Sanitation Practices:

When visiting a barber shop for the first time, pay close attention to their hygiene and sanitation practices. A clean and well-maintained shop is a sign of professionalism and attention to detail. Ensure that the barbers use clean tools, sanitize their equipment between clients, and follow proper hygiene protocols to minimize the risk of infections or skin irritations.

5. Build a Relationship:

Building a strong relationship with your barber is essential for achieving consistently great haircuts and styles. Be open and communicative about your preferences, likes, and dislikes, and provide constructive feedback after each visit. A good barber will take the time to get to know you and your hair over time, allowing them to tailor their services to meet your evolving needs and style preferences.

6. Tip Generously:

Show appreciation for your barber's hard work and dedication by tipping generously. A generous tip not only acknowledges their skill and expertise but also helps foster a positive and mutually beneficial relationship. Consider tipping 20% or more of the total service cost to show your gratitude and support for their craft.

7. Maintain Regular Appointments:

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining great haircuts. Schedule regular appointments with your barber to keep your hair looking fresh and well-groomed. Depending on your hair growth rate and preferred style, aim to visit the barber every 2-4 weeks to maintain your desired look and keep your hair in optimal condition.


Finding a great barber is a journey that requires patience, research, and a bit of trial and error. By following these tips and guidelines, you can identify a skilled and reliable barber who understands your unique hair needs and delivers top-notch service with every visit. Remember, a great barber is more than just a hairstylist—they're a trusted confidant and ally in your journey to looking and feeling your best.